Why choose NEOWEBHOST.com?
Do you want to make your website accessible online? If you do, then there is no better choice for you than the plans that we offer here at NEOWEBHOST.com. Avail any of our plans today and see what we can do for you!
Reliable servers
We know that a minute or even a second of your website experiencing downtime can have a huge effect on your business. That is why we take pride in having reliable servers with a high uptime score. This only means that your website would be up at all times.
Plans that can support every need
We are aware of the fact that each one of our customers have a unique need and so, we see to it that they would be able to find a plan that perfectly supports their need. In fact, we have 3 main plans namely smallbiz plan, professional plan and enterprise plan in which you can select the one with the disk space, transfer rate and bandwidth that you need. Upgrading your plan is also as easy as pie to accommodate your growing needs if you choose us as your web hosting partner.
Affordable hosting
NEOWEBHOST.com fully believes that web hosting need not be expensive and that is why we are here to prove that to you. In fact, we are best known for our affordable hosting that surely does not compromise the quality of the hosting and customer service that you would be getting from our company. You can even start taking advantage of our hosting services for as low as $9.95 a month.
Great support
Things may happen unexpectedly or during the times you least expected it to happen. Nevertheless, we give you an assurance that you would be able to receive our support and assistance during these times. So, rest assured that whenever an issue arises, no matter how big or small it is, help and response would be given to you immediately. In fact, we offer 24/7 support.
Easy to use control panel
We make use of the cPanel in which is known for being a functional and easy to use control panel. So, you would surely not have a hard time using it. In fact, through it, you no longer need to rely on our support staff at all times even when you just needs to make basic changes in the server for you can just do it yourself.
Backup guarantee
NEOWEBHOST provide an adequate backup and so, even if you have deleted the contents of your website by mistake, rest assured that it is still very much possible for you to retrieve it without much problem. We also have a good disaster recovery plan that can help get your content back online.
So, now that you have been provided with a list of reasons why you need to choose us, perhaps, you have now already made up your mind to avail our plans. So, what are you waiting? Together, let’s make your website even better!